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Shanghai Youwei Powder Equipment Co., Ltd
Nhà sản xuất tùy chỉnh
Sản Phẩm chính: Trung chuyển chân không, trạm cho ăn túi, trạm dỡ Túi tấn, trạm đổ túi, máy giải nén túi nhỏ tự động
Thứ tự xếp hạng4 thời gian phản hồi nhanh trong Máy chế biến gia vị và nước sốtQuality management certifiedSupplier assessment proceduresTesting instruments (2)Finished product inspection
  • https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Manufactory-customized-Jumbo-Bag-Unloaded-bag_1601040195420.html?spm=a27aq.27095423.1978240560.8.1c212277xgMwthhttps://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Manufactory-customized-Jumbo-Bag-Unloaded-bag_1601040195420.html?spm=a27aq.27095423.1978240560.8.1c212277xgMwth


Expertise You Can Trust

We know powder equipment inside out. With a proven track record, we bring reliable knowledge to the table.

Going Green

We care about the environment. Choosing us means opting for eco-friendly practices in your processes.

Trustworthy and Transparent

We believe in honesty. Our business is built on trust and transparency, ensuring a strong partnership.

All-in-One Service

We've got you covered from start to finish. Our one-stop service simplifies your powder processing tasks.


More than 10 years of experience in powder system design solutions


More than 10 years of experience in powder system design solutions